Leaders, Deputy's, and Apprentices' Dens

Leader ~ Welcome to the den of the leader. If you do need any advice, help, or anything of the likes, please do ask (message) me. The only rule that we all ask of you to follow are Admin's rules. Deputy ~ Welcome to the den of the deputy. I am secondary in command, so do just ask me for help. I do control the tasks and patrols, so ask me if you wish to switch patrols. Apprentices ~ Welcome to the den of the apprentices. They help with the tasks and are trained to become warriors. They can be punished for any extreme bad behaviors and can be scolded on by higher ranked cats of their own Clans. They must be six moons old to be ranked here.

The Medicine Cat Den and Nursery

Medicine Cat ~ S/he helps heal the cats that are injured and gives prophecies given to her/him by StarClan to the leader. Medicine Cat Apprentice: N/A ~ S/he helps the main medicine cat with their tasks and are trained in combat and healing. They do not receive prophecies until they are warrior age if they have been training since they were six moons old, or until they are full medicine cats taking on the medicine cat role. Queens ~ They are the mothers of the kittens that are protected by the Clans and are given to prey first, along with the elders. They elders actually live in a section of the Nursery to help with the delivering and other occasions. Kittens ~ They are the heart of the Clans, growing to be

Warrior Residence

Warriors ~ This is the den and residence/territory of the warriors. They live with the Clan and help with patrols along with some apprentice tasks at times and fight in battle, along with hunting for prey.


Battlefield ~ This is where all battles take place that are not sneak attacks within the Clan camps. It is accustomed to all of the Clans' strengths and weaknesses: woods, rivers, swamps, and tree-less grasslands. It has been where even the first and bloodiest battles have taken place at.
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